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Allergy Control

Allergy Control - Murray-Hill-11358/

We love our pets, love our carpets and rug and love our drapery but they can cause allergy issues for some people. We here at Area Rug Cleaners Queens has the solution for you. We offer deep cleaning along with allergy removal for all carpets, rugs, upholstery, furniture and drapery, all while using all natural products. An allergy attack can come from anywhere, in your home, office or even right outside, oh that pollen count! In order to lessen the number of allergy attacks during allergy season or on a daily basis is to have your carpets, rugs, upholstery, furniture and drapery cleaned regularly.

Approximately one in four of those in the U.S. go through allergies at some point in their lives, and it makes life miserable for everyone. Both children and adults with allergies have a similar itchy/watery eyes, the same runny nose, and the same skin irritation symptoms identified with allergies. The number of allergy sufferers increases approximately 5% every year, with children making up about half of those newly affected by allergies. Allergies can be aggravating enough every time they affect the way things taste, the way they smell, the way they feel, and even how they look, but bring that some allergies are generally disabling and also fatal and you are looking at an issue that is a lot more inconvenient.

Allergy attacks are caused by allergens. Allergens are substances in the environment that have protein, an organic compound contains nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. These proteins are required building blocks for living organisms, which are often for this protein people eat. A professional cleaning can remove most common allergens, including pet hair, tree and grass pollen tracked in to the house on shoes, dust mites and their waste, and molds. We can help remove allergens from your carpets, rugs, upholstery, furniture and drapery without making use of odorous products or chemically-laden products or products that will prove to add more allergens to your environment. We perform allergy carpets, rugs, upholstery, furniture and drapery cleaning by using a formula of natural substances supposed to split and eliminate air allergens like animal hair, dust mite excrement, mold spores, and pollen to make your room as allergen free as possible. Now people with asthma, hay fever, itchy/watery eyes which are usually exacerbated by your allergens in an airplane have no need for to remove their carpets, rugs, upholstery, furniture and drapery or worry about their pets or carpets, rugs, upholstery, furniture and drapery. We have developed an allergy treatment can live with.

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